Wulai (烏來)is a great day or weekend trip in Taipei city. Just outside of Xindian, it is a scenic ride through the valleys and hills on the edge of Taipei county. I have been there numerous times, mostly during winter to enjoy the wonderful hot springs they offer.
As you get nearer the the town, the roadside is dotted with hotels offering deals on meals and hot springs. Keep going until you get to the night market-like street. Here you will find many small hotels and vendors. The food here is very good. I especially like the grilled mountain pork skewers. The meat is fresh and delicious.
After you get a bite to eat, you can relax in the hot springs. This is a popular destination for many tourists and locals alike in the cool winter months. These special hot springs are said to have medicinal-like health benefits. If nothing else, you can steep yourself in nice hot relaxing water. You can enjoy the hot soak for as little as 100-200NT for a room with just a tub, or you could spend a little more for complete room. If you are daring, there is an area where the springs are free. It is outdoors along the river and you can find many locals sitting in the baths and drinking tea in the cold fresh air.
This is a trip I highly recommend for anybody visiting Taipei. The views are beautiful. There are many other hot springs scattered throughout the island. All you have to do is ask where they are and somebody will be able to tell you. Have fun!
My name is James.I left for there with my family before.I interview a aborigines museum,and a bamboo tube rice for lunch.I got a keepsake which is like a scarf around had.I admire the mask and hear about the folk tale here.
alunium wheels
SORRY I spelled wrong.It is aluminum wheel.
Hi Teacher Ronin:
I am James Chen.We knew the semester is going to be final.Aluminum wheels(frisbee) is the activity which I am fond of outdoor activities.If I am active enough,I
will release my enthusiasm.Every things in my area at once are people and natural plants or animals.I should awaken my potential for the sake of my goal.
I also enjoy playing Frisbee, but I am not very good. Sounds like you had a good time in Wulai. Do you have a blog?
I am not sure I have a blog,maybe I don, know how to use it,but I have e-mail.You can get it from the recently article comments.
I am having a period with my classmates until I graduate.I lack activities to do anything well which I attempt by myself.
The important things of my life in this year.I think I will became 9 grade and start to face a big test.That is very difficult for me.
My parents are very care about my every subject.Thay want me to get good grade and get into a perfect school,but that's a pressure for me everytime.Also that's a challendge thins year
.I will work hard and won't give up
.If I pass the test in the first time.I can take a long vacation and feel relax.That's what I want and is the most important thing,too.
The important things of my life in this year.I think I will became 9 grade and start to face a big test.That is very difficult for me.
My parents are very care about my every subject.Thay want me to get good grade and get into a perfect school,but that's a pressure for me everytime.Also that's a challendge thins year
.I will work hard and won't give up
.If I pass the test in the first time.I can take a long vacation and feel relax.That's what I want and is the most important thing,too.
The important things for me this year is my grade. My is getting worser and worser. My parents are worried about me. My teacher is, too. They want to know what problems about me. So they can know how to help me.I shoud find out what is my problem about. I hope my grade can be better again. That my parents and my teacher will not be worried about me!
Hello,my name is Peter Lee.I want to tell you my writting is better than before.Because you always tell us to write a journal
.Now I can make a story by myself.
Most important of all,I only use 5 minute to finish it.I know more vocaburary now,too.Then you pick students to read.It can practice our reading.By the way,can you tell me your girlfriends name.I hope you can teach me in grade 3.
Have a nice day.Your student,Peter Lee.
8C Julia
In this year, the important thing in my mind is learn how to control myself when I want to do something that I can't do in this kind of age.However I was very upset at that time,but now I am happy that I made it,something I have not to do.Now, I can do everything happily because I know what thing I can do .
AT this time,although I felt very bad,I still do my best.
Hello!! This is Charles.I never been to Wulai before.Some people have tell me that Wulai is a good place.The hot spring there is famous.Everybody can enjoy it there.The air is also veryfresh.And Wulai is famous for waterfall.Ihope I can visit there one day.
My name is Karen.
I didn't go to Wulai before.
But when I saw your report
I really want to go.
I will tell my father bring our
family to go there after the big test.
i'm tina
oh i have been there before,
but i was too young ,
so i don't remember that ....
i think there is a beautiful place
so i want to go there one more time.
Wulai is famous for its hot spring,if you go to Wulai,you should go to soak the hot spring.Wish you have fun there
I went there before, there have lots of hot spring,I love there very much
I learn about the rope to make something,like to climb the tree,tipe things or do something else,it's really intresting.We can use to help people or safe someone .It's a good toll in my life .Maybe I can teach other people or family to use the rope,it will be a good thing.
I am 7B Echo. In this year I read many books,but I forgot very much.
And I like a book 向達倫大冒險 very much.It's very interesting,but it's not true.Because the bloodsuckers are not real.But it's also interesting.It's talking about a boy.He brcoming a bloodsucker,if he wants to be a bloodsucker he has to pass the assize.This story is very excting.So I like it very much.
I most like the story is a holiday
. It introduce many national
holidays .In Ivory Coast , people
dress up and dance on this holiday
. In Canada also has snow holiday ,
and also have ice races . In India
they have spring holiday....all the
country have holidays and I very
like holiday , beacause we can stay
at home and play games.
"The Emperor's Egg" is my favorite
story.The story is talk about Emperor penguin.When Emperor penguins have egg.The male penguin will take care of the egg.This course is very arduous.Because male
penguin can't eat and drink.This is
important.Because in the human society,mother always takes care of
baby.So,if you are father,you should take care of your baby with
your wife.
Nice post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you seeking your information.
Brim over I assent to but I contemplate the post should secure more info then it has.
第77回 日本ダービー 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?人気が平然と馬券に絡む理由とは!?見事に展開を読んで結果を的中させる
素敵な出 会 いで愛を育む♪理想の人と楽しめる関係を築きませんか?mコミュでしか味わえない幸せを掴みましょう
スタービーチで始まる素敵な出 合いをしていきませんか。楽しめる出 合いを経験するにはココから始まる!!最高の出 合いがあなたを待っている
最近はどこのSNSサイトも規制ばっかりで、ちょっと出 合いに関して書き込みするとアク禁食らうけど、夏休み終盤に差し掛かり色々なサイトを調べた結果、グリーだけはどうも規制が緩んでるみたいです。今がチャンスの時期ですよ
ツイッターで出 合 いを求めるのです。気の合う異性と交流して楽しいひと時をお過ごしください。登録無料で使えるので気軽さは100点満点!
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