This past Chinese New Year's holiday, I went to Sun Moon Lake (日月潭) with my parents and girlfriend. I really like the lake because it is peaceful and beautiful. When we arrived there in the afternoon, it was cold and foggy. We couldn't see the lake because the fog was so thick. We went from our hotel to the "town" and had lunch. There weren't many people there so we enjoyed our time together in relative quiet.
If you have ever been to Sun Moon Lake, you will know that it is a special place. On a clear day, you can see across the lake to the other side. At night, you can see the lights, feel the fresh breeze blowing over the calm water, and smell the freshness of the mountain air. If you are venturesome, you can take a boat across the lake to the other shore or just paddle around. There is also a path that circles the lake. The total circumference is fairly large though.
One thing I don't really like about the lake is the lack of good restaurants. All the restaurants are family run and not very good. If worse comes to worst, you can go to 7-11 and get some familiar food from there.
Despite this, it is still a great place to visit for a weekend. I highly recommend a trip to Sun Moon Lake.